Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Electric Green Foamposites

The release date for the Electric Green Foamposites has been set and the big day is DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......March 5. Surprisingly the retail on these will not be the traditional 200 price tag, but a way more affordable 190 (Sarcasm noted). The original retail on Foamposite Pro's were 180, so I guess Nike is in a giving mood or must have caught win that these wont a must have for a lot of people but for reason I like them. If these hit the sale rack or stay in stores long enough I'll most likely be getting a pair. Let me know what you think of them hit me up on Twitter @TheJoshOquendo.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Thank You Lord.....

Well if you ever even had the privilege of crossing paths with me then you know I'm a die hard Knicks fan. Well according to Sports Center a few minutes Carmelo Anthony probably gave me the best news of my life and is now a New York Knick. Now lets see what Jordan Brand will do with the Knicks color I'm super excited. LETS GO KNICKS!!!!!!