Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Daily Sneaker Devotion 1/20/11

So I was chilling with my cuzzo today Jacinda (@justcinda_o) and she gave me a pretty good idea for a daily post. The idea was that I post a daily Sneaker Devotion everyday on a different subject whether it has to do with cleaning sneakers, what sneakers to look forward to,etc. Today I would like to touch on a subject that I myself have fallen a victim to. And thats people that buy sneakers and do not wear them. You may catch some people that would buy an exclusive sneaker wrap them in Saran Wrap, throw them in the closet and never wear them. To some who are oblivious to the subject some people find it helpful to wrap their sneakers in plastic to prevent them from getting yellow and lasting longer. A simple mathematic equation that I have devised over countless restless nights of sleep will explain why this should not be done.

Simple enough........ Now on to the sneakers



So the moral of this story is Saran Wrap is for food not for sneakers sooooooooo WEAR YOUR SNEAKERS!!!!!..........P.S Don't forget to follow the twitter @TheJoshOquendo and hit me with any feedback that you might have. Until next time...... 

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